Custom attributes on F#'s Discriminated Union cases

Working on a project, I found myself wanting to match different discriminated union cases with text for output. Normally I write this out as a discriminated union with a separate function that uses pattern matches to determine which value to return, but I'd really like to attach the text directly to the different union cases. If I could find a way to do that, I wouldn't have to dig around my code as much to find out where the different messages came from.

As I've been poking at .NET's Reflection abilities recently, I figured the easiest way for me to make that happen would be to add my own attribute type, and apply them to the different union cases. Should be easy enough to get the attribute back and pull the text from there, right? Not so fast! Union cases are internally defined and hidden from F# code in such a way that you'd have to go through the union's type definition, grab values from System.Type.GetMembers(), and match them by name; at that point, I may as well have just matched the values by union case and not used attributes at all.

The solution is down in Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection, which provides a handful of useful functions for discriminated unions. The process therefore becomes:

  • Get the Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.UnionCaseInfo by passing in the union value and a typeof<X> to the union's type
  • Call GetCustomAttributes() on the UnionCaseInfo value
  • Filter the returned attribute values (they're an obj array) to find the attribute you want
  • Return the contents of the attribute

This is the full contents of how I did it: